The online registration for the seventh European Crystallographic School in Lisbon, which will be held from 10 – 15 July 2022, is open.
Category Archives: Events
Events organized by third parties that can be interesting for members
Symposium “25 Years of Protein Crystallography and beyond…” at Utrecht University
The department of Crystal and Structural Chemistry and Cryo-EM (Dep. Chemistry) of Utrecht University cordially invites you to join a symposium on November 22nd, 2019 to celebrate 25 years of Protein Crystallography at Utrecht University. Five former PhD students/postdocs will present recent highlights from their current careers. Many others will discuss their careers with current MSc and PhD students. Click here to read about the program and to register.
NEMI kick-off meeting
The Netherlands Electron Microscopy Infrastructure (NEMI) is excited to
announce the NEMI Kick off meeting which will be held on November 6th, 2019 at the Geertekerk in Utrecht. Check out the program.
Registration should be done before October 21st.
NVvM Cryo-EM meeting at University of Groningen, Thursday 31 May, 2018
NVvM Cryo-EM Spring Meeting, Thursday 31 May, 2018, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
This year’s spring meeting of the cryo-electron microscopy workgroup of the NVvM, will be held on Thursday 31 May 2018, at the Energy Academy, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 6, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands.
The keynote speaker is:
Prof. Werner Kühlbrandt (Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt)
The program can be found here. You can also download a flyer of the event. Registration can be done before May 22nd on this page.
Prior to the Spring Meeting the opening of the new Cryo‐EM Facility at the University of Groningen will take place on Wednesday 30 May, from 4 pm. We will not only celebrate the future, but also look back in history and celebrate 60 years of EM history at Groningen. A more international and broader talk on the advances of EM will be given by Werner Kühlbrandt. You are cordially invited to be present at this occasion.
Please indicate your interest on the registration website.
School on X-ray and Neutron Diffraction Techniques 28 May – 30 May 2018, VIB-UGent
The Belgian Biophysical Society has organized a school on X-ray and Neutron Diffraction Techniques at the Inflammation Research Center (IRC) of the VIB-UGent.
This school provides an introduction to the vast range of X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques and their application to investigate biological structures and processes. Starting from an introduction of the basics of X-ray and neutron scattering we will move on to their application to proteins and their complexes with other proteins or nucleic acids, to lipid structures and studies of bacterial metabolism. The course will also provide a glimpse of the international research facilities (such as XFEL) available. The school is organized as such that no prior knowledge of scattering techniques is required.
The program can be found here. Registration can be done here.
Save the date: Powder Diffraction Hands-on Workshop 21 & 22 November 2017
Hands-on Powder Diffraction School Delft, 21 & 22 November 2017
Reactor Institute Delft, Mekelweg 15, Delft
Powder X-ray diffractometers (XRD) are omnipresent at labs around the world. They are commercially available and typically produce a lot of very good data. Unfortunately, much of the data is not exploited to its full extent. In part, this is due to the fact that scientists use XRD as one of many experimental methods, but another important reason is that the analysis of the data seems cumbersome to many XRD users. The available software offers so many options that a first-time user easily gets lost.
With this hands-on workshop+school on Powder Diffraction we intend to help participants to overcome the barriers to look into their data in greater detail. In a 2-day intensive course the participant will learn the basic theory behind powder diffraction and how crystallographic analysis of their (own) data helps them to answer concrete questions on the material of their subject.
We invite PhD’s and postdocs to apply for this course. We encourage participants to send a description of their science case and how they would like to use diffraction and crystallography to answer the related questions. XRD and neutron powder diffraction (ND) facilities are available to measure their own sample during the course and the obtained data can be analyzed under supervision of powder diffraction experts.
The fee for participants is 125 euro for academia and 500 euro for non-academia. The fee includes lunch, tea/coffee and the dinner, but does not include accommodation.
NVvM Cryo Workgroup Spring Meeting on May 8, 2017 in Utrecht
This year’s spring meeting of the cryo‐electron microscopy workgroup of the NVvM, will be held on Monday May 8th 2017 at Utrecht University, in the David de Wiedgebouw, Universiteitsweg 99, 3584 CG Utrecht
Please check out the Events page of this site.