Registration for the Online Powder Diffraction School on November 24th – 26th, 2020 is closed.

It is no longer possible to register for the NVK Online Powder Diffraction School 2020, that will take place online from November 24th to 26th. With this online workshop+school on Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD) we intend to help participants to overcome the barriers to look into their data in greater detail. In a 3-day intensive course the participant will learn the basic theory behind powder diffraction and how crystallographic analysis of PXRD data may help them to answer concrete questions on the material of their subject.
Check out the course page for more information.

Registration is open for the Online Powder Diffraction School on November 24th – 26th, 2020

It is now possible to register for the NVK Online Powder Diffraction School 2020, that will take place online from November 24th to 26th. With this online workshop+school on Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD) we intend to help participants to overcome the barriers to look into their data in greater detail. In a 3-day intensive course the participant will learn the basic theory behind powder diffraction and how crystallographic analysis of PXRD data may help them to answer concrete questions on the material of their subject. The registration form can be found here.

NVK ALV & Meeting 2020

The Dutch Crystallographic Society (NVK) will have their yearly meeting and ALV (general members meeting) on February 5, 2020 from 17:00h to 22:00h at the Antropia, Cultuur- en Congrescentrum, Hoofdstraat 8 in Driebergen.

We will start the meeting with the ALV, where we will discuss with the members what we did last year and what our plans are for the future. Then we will have a joint dinner buffet, followed by three speakers highlighting topics of present-day crystallography.

After the talks we can have a drink (or more). The ALV is open for members. Anyone else who is interested can join for dinner, talks and drinks. More details can be found here.

Symposium on June 6th: Interacting with Proteins : A structural view

In succession to the 2016 symposium, the Dutch Crystallographic Society (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kristallografie, NVK), in collaboration with AIMMS, the Amsterdam Institute for Molecules, Medicines and Systems, will organize a 1-day symposium on Thursday June 6th entitled: Interacting with Proteins: A structural view.

This symposium will take place on Thursday June 6, in the O|2 Lab building of the VU Amsterdam, Boelelaan 1108 , 1081 HZ Amsterdam.

Registration is open . The deadline for registration has been extended to Thursday May 30. More information can be found HERE .

We look forward to meet you on June 6th!

Tom Grossmann, Sven Hennig, Bram Schierbeek

Hands-on Powder Diffraction school is fully booked

The Hands-on Powder Diffraction School is fully booked!

We have forty participants who will follow an intensive 2 day course in powder diffraction including hands-on training.

The  course will take place on 21 & 22 November 2017 at the Reactor Institute Delft, Mekelweg 15, Delft.

The school is organized by Amarante Böttger (3mE, TUDelft), Huub Kooijman (Shell Technology Center Amsterdam), Rene de Gelder (Radboud University Nijmegen), Céleste Reiss (NVK), Lambert van Eijck (Appl.Sci. TUDelft)

If you are interested in a follow-up of this course, please send an email to us at our “education at” email address.

Registration for the NVK symposium and ALV is now open!

The registration for the yearly meeting and the annual member meeting (ALV) is now open!

The NVK symposium of 2017 will take place on Friday 3 November 2017, at the Pivot Park in Oss. Following the symposium, the annual member meeting (ALV) of the NVK will be held, at the same location.

We have a diverse program with speakers from different disciplines:

  • Nicholas PearceUniversiteit Utrecht
  • Junyu Li, DSM R&D Solutions
  • Stef Smeets, Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Bernd SouvignierRadboud University Nijmegen
  • Ad van Well, TU Delft

After lunch you will be able to visit the Pivot Park Screening Centre  or the Museum Jan Cunen. More details about the program and the venue as well as the registration for the meeting can be found on this page.

We look forward to see you in Oss on November 3!