Dick Feil (1933-2020)

Ons bereikte het verdrietige bericht dat Prof.dr. Dick Feil op 22 april 2020 op 87-jarige leeftijd is overleden. Meer informatie vind u hier.

Dick Feil tijdens de lintjesregen in 2009. Foto Tubantia.

Cor Kalk (1944-2020)

Op 7 april 2020 is Cor Kalk, oud-labmanager van de eiwitkristallografie groep van de RU Groningen, op 75-jarige leeftijd overleden. Meer informatie vind u hier.

New NVK secretary

After being in the NVK board for more than 10 years, Martin Lutz has laid down his function as secretary. We thank Martin for all his efforts in organizing lively meetings and finding good speakers.

Martin will be succeeded by Sven Hennig, who will join the NVK board as secretary. Sven has already shown his commitment for the NVK, while organizing the 2019 Structural Biology meeting: Interacting with Proteins : A structural view. We welcome Sven in our team and look forward to a fruitful cooperation.

NVK ALV & Meeting 2020

The Dutch Crystallographic Society (NVK) will have their yearly meeting and ALV (general members meeting) on February 5, 2020 from 17:00h to 22:00h at the Antropia, Cultuur- en Congrescentrum, Hoofdstraat 8 in Driebergen.

We will start the meeting with the ALV, where we will discuss with the members what we did last year and what our plans are for the future. Then we will have a joint dinner buffet, followed by three speakers highlighting topics of present-day crystallography.

After the talks we can have a drink (or more). The ALV is open for members. Anyone else who is interested can join for dinner, talks and drinks. More details can be found here.

Sybolt Harkema (1940-2019)

Op 1 september 2019 is Sybolt Harkema, oud-hoofddocent aan de TU Twente, op 78-jarige leeftijd overleden. Meer informatie vind u hier.

Sybolt Harkema in 2014
Foto: Redactie UT Nieuws

Symposium on June 6th: Interacting with Proteins : A structural view

In succession to the 2016 symposium, the Dutch Crystallographic Society (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kristallografie, NVK), in collaboration with AIMMS, the Amsterdam Institute for Molecules, Medicines and Systems, will organize a 1-day symposium on Thursday June 6th entitled: Interacting with Proteins: A structural view.

This symposium will take place on Thursday June 6, in the O|2 Lab building of the VU Amsterdam, Boelelaan 1108 , 1081 HZ Amsterdam.

Registration is open . The deadline for registration has been extended to Thursday May 30. More information can be found HERE .

We look forward to meet you on June 6th!

Tom Grossmann, Sven Hennig, Bram Schierbeek

Aafje Looijenga-Vos (1928 -2018)

Op 4 november 2018 is Aafje Looijenga-Vos, emeritus hoogleraar structuurchemie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen op 90-jarige leeftijd overleden . Klik hier voor meer informatie.