Crystal nucleation of proteins

The nucleation process of proteins has been studied by a group of researchers from Brussels, Eindhoven and Grenoble. They used time-resolved cryo-transmission electron microscopy for this investigation. The results give insight in what happens on the molecular level when crystallization starts and how this influences later the macroscopic states. They published their findings in the prestigious journal Nature:

Positive feedback from 40 participants of Hands-On Powder Diffraction School 2017

Positive remarks, requests for more information and “who-can-help-me-with-my”s and more courses: some of reasons why the organizers are happy to have initiated this short and dense introduction to crystallography and powder diffraction. Even today we had 12 more measurements to do at our instruments in Delft to be able to “treat your own data” in the afternoon session tomorrow.

Food for Thought. Hungry scientists after the morning session of Dutch Hands-On Powder Diffraction School in Delft, 2017

Hands-on Powder Diffraction school is fully booked

The Hands-on Powder Diffraction School is fully booked!

We have forty participants who will follow an intensive 2 day course in powder diffraction including hands-on training.

The  course will take place on 21 & 22 November 2017 at the Reactor Institute Delft, Mekelweg 15, Delft.

The school is organized by Amarante Böttger (3mE, TUDelft), Huub Kooijman (Shell Technology Center Amsterdam), Rene de Gelder (Radboud University Nijmegen), Céleste Reiss (NVK), Lambert van Eijck (Appl.Sci. TUDelft)

If you are interested in a follow-up of this course, please send an email to us at our “education at” email address.

Registration for the NVK symposium and ALV is now open!

The registration for the yearly meeting and the annual member meeting (ALV) is now open!

The NVK symposium of 2017 will take place on Friday 3 November 2017, at the Pivot Park in Oss. Following the symposium, the annual member meeting (ALV) of the NVK will be held, at the same location.

We have a diverse program with speakers from different disciplines:

  • Nicholas PearceUniversiteit Utrecht
  • Junyu Li, DSM R&D Solutions
  • Stef Smeets, Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Bernd SouvignierRadboud University Nijmegen
  • Ad van Well, TU Delft

After lunch you will be able to visit the Pivot Park Screening Centre  or the Museum Jan Cunen. More details about the program and the venue as well as the registration for the meeting can be found on this page.

We look forward to see you in Oss on November 3!

Hugo M. Rietveld overleden

Dit weekeinde bereikte ons het bericht dat op 16 juli jl. Dr. Hugo M. Rietveld na een kort ziekbed is overleden.

Een beschrijving van zijn werk en van de enorme invloed van de Rietveld methode op de kristallografie in het algemeen en de poederdiffractie in het bijzonder vindt u hier.


Dear crystallographer,

We welcome you to the new website of the Dutch Crystallographic Society, the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kristallografie. We are in the process of assembling the content of the site, so please revisit us soon.